The control file of each pyMANGA setup is written in xml format. This file includes all settings for to run pyMANGA. In the following, each section of the control file is explained using of the model setup “Full Model” as an example. This model is a coupled consideration of the groundwater balance and plant growth. Thus, both the influence of tidal dynamics and the relationship between plant water use and salinity in pore water are considered. This model is presented here in more detail. The control file can be found here.
The control file describes the settings for each pyMANGA library (see pyMANAGA structure for more detail), namely
The documentation of all control file input can be found here.
Under the item “tree_dynamics” settings for the dynamic development of the tree population are listed.
This sub-item characterizes the modeling of resource availability over the ground.
Since pyMANGA vegetation growth is a function of resources availability, these are the focus of this sub-item. The above-ground resource relevant to pyMANGA represents the sunlight.
With the item, type
, the type of the above-ground competition concept is defined.
In our example, we use “SimpleAsymmetricZOI”.
In this concept, the model area is divided into zones in which the tree with the largest crown height in each cell receives all available sunlight.
The class requires the input variables defined under the next item domain
, namely y_1
, y_2
, x_1
and x_2
They define the boundaries of the model domain.
The coordinate values with the indices “1” define the numerically lower values, the indices “2” the numerically higher ones.
and y_resolution
define the spatial discretization of the model domain with the number of grid nodes in the respective spatial direction.
<type> SimpleAsymmetricZOI </type>
<x_1> 0 </x_1>
<y_1> 0 </y_1>
<x_2> 185 </x_2>
<y_2> 10 </y_2>
<x_resolution> 720 </x_resolution>
<y_resolution> 38 </y_resolution>
Currently, there is only one other type
: “SimpleTest”.
This type means there is no limitation in resource availability.
It’s thus not suitable for modeling real vegetation populations.
This sub-item characterizes the modeling of resource availability below the ground.
In this setup, the class “OGSLargeScale3D” is used (sub-item type
), which is designed for modeling the change in salinity in the pore water using a more complex groundwater model.
In the sub-item ogs_project_folder
, the file path of the OGS input files is defined, in the next step the name of the OGS control file (ogs_project_folder
In the item abiotic_drivers
, the salinity of the seawater (or in general of the salt water), the period of the monthly and daily tide and the amplitude of the monthly and daily tide can be defined.
In this control file, only the value for the salinity is defined, the values for the tidal range are read in via python_script (see end of this section).
With delta_t_ogs
the numerical groundwater modeling with OGS is discretized in time.
This variable can also be used to fix numerical instabilities or to minimize the computation time.
In the item source_mesh
the name of the grid file for the OGS model is named.
This file defines the spatial discretization of the groundwater model using a vtu file.
In the last sub-item, python_script
, a Python file can be specified in which boundary conditions and source terms for the OGS model are defined.
This specification is optional; the necessity depends on the complexity of the groundwater model.
In this model, the file provides a loop of the tidal range information read from the EXM_Jan-Jul_2019.txt file and a dynamic adjustment of the mean water level.
<type> OGSLargeScale3D </type>
<ogs_project_folder> /your/path/to/pyMANGA/Benchmarks/Exmouth_Gulf/full_model </ogs_project_folder>
<ogs_project_file> testmodel.prj </ogs_project_file>
<seaward_salinity> 0.05 </seaward_salinity>
<delta_t_ogs> 1500000 </delta_t_ogs>
<source_mesh> source_domain.vtu </source_mesh>
<!--bulk_mesh> testbulk.vtu </bulk_mesh-->
The third and last main item of the tree_dynamics
section, defines the dynamic concept of tree growth and death.
In our example, we use the “SimpleBettina” concept.
For more information, see this publication.
The concept does not need any further parameters.
<type> SimpleBettina </type>
If nothing else is defined, tree die of mechanistic reasons, i.e. when maintenance cost are higher than resource uptake.
The mortality concept can be changed by adding the sub-item mortality
and the parameters required for the concept.
<type> SimpleBettina </type>
<k_die> 1e-9 </k_die>
This section defines the tree population at the beginning of the modeling period (initial conditions) and the recruitment of trees at each time step.
A group of trees to be added to the model is defined in the group
For example, trees that should be present in the model domain at the beginning of simulation can be defined as one group and those that should be added as new trees at each time step can be defined in another group.
In this setup, there are exactly these two groups.
The item species
specifies the type of trees.
Currently, only the gray mangrove (Avicennia marina) with the class “Avicennia " is selectable.
If a path is provided for this sub-item, the user can provide an individual species file where all required attributes need to be defined.
To see which attributes are required, please check the default file for Avicennia.
Under distribution
the distribution of the trees, i.e. the spatial arrangement in the model area, is determined.
Under type
this can either be read from a file with “GroupFromFile” or - as in this setup - randomly arranged with “random”.
Under domain
the model domain is defined.
The coordinate values with the indices “1” define the numerically lower values, the indices “2” the numerically higher ones.
With n_individuals
the number of trees can be defined, which should be present in the model at the beginning of the modeling and with n_recruitment_per_step
the number of trees, which should be added to the model at each time step as young trees.
The properties of the recruited trees correspond to those defined in the species file.
In the “Recruiting” group, n_individuals
is set to zero, and “n_recruitment_per_step” is set to 30.
This shows that this first group is used to integrate new trees over the entire model runtime.
Since n_individuals
must be specified, but n_recruitment_per_step
is optional, only n_individuals
is specified as 30 in the second group “Inital”.
So, at the beginning of the simulation, there should be 30 trees randomly distributed in the model domain and we each time step, 30 new trees are recruited.
<name> Recruiting </name>
<species> /your/path/to/pyMANGA/Benchmarks/Exmouth_Gulf/full_model/ </species>
<type> Random </type>
<x_1> 0 </x_1>
<y_1> 0 </y_1>
<x_2> 185 </x_2>
<y_2> 10 </y_2>
<n_individuals> 0 </n_individuals>
<n_recruitment_per_step> 30 </n_recruitment_per_step>
Here the model is discretized in time.
Currently, only “Simple” is available for type
That is, all time steps are of the same size over the entire simulation.
The start time (t_start
), end time (t_end
) and the time step length (delta_t
) must be specified in seconds.
<type> Simple </type>
<t_start> 0 </t_start>
<t_end> 157788000000 </t_end>
<delta_t> 15778800 </delta_t>
In this setup, visualization of the simulation during the model run is switched off.
For this purpose, “NONE” is selected for the type
With “SimplePyplot” the position and the crown radius of trees would be visualized in real time during simulation.
<type> NONE </type>
The last section, defines how model results are saved.
For this there are three different possibilities which are specified under case
The file path is specified under output_dir
The directory must exist.
If allow_previous_output
is True, existing files are overwritten.
If it is false (default) and the directory is not empty, the simulation will not start.
With the items geometry_output
geometric dimensions can be added to the output file.
The variables selected in this setup are “r_stem” (stem radius), “h_stem” (stem height), “r_crown” (crown height) and “r_root” (root radius).
With the item growth_output
information from the tree growth concept can be saved.
Other optional output options can be found in the documentation.
<type> OneTimestepOneFile </type>
<output_each_nth_timestep> 1 </output_each_nth_timestep>
<output_dir> /your/path/to/pyMANGA/Benchmarks/Exmouth_Gulf/full_model/TreeOutput </output_dir>
<geometry_output> r_stem </geometry_output>
<geometry_output> h_stem </geometry_output>
<geometry_output> r_crown </geometry_output>
<geometry_output> r_root </geometry_output>
<growth_output> salinity </growth_output>